So you want to connect with your spirit guides. You want to know what type of guide they are, what they look like, their name, and how you can get their advice to bring more purpose, harmony, and joy into your life.

You might have tried guided meditations or made random attempts to speak to your cosmic helpers but to no avail.

Yamile, a spirit guide medium and Hay House author wants to help you lay the right foundation for successful spirit guide communication and shares the # 1 way to connect with your guides on this first episode of the Spirit Guide Show,

She also did free mini readings for live attendees during which she introduced them to their guide and gave them any messages the guides had for them.

Towards the end, she answers questions about anything to do with spirit guides.

Some topics we discussed

  • trusting your intuition
  • everyone is psychic, even you!
  • why developing your intuitive and psychic abilities is key
  • how your intuition helps you to consciously communicate with your spirit guides

References & links mentioned

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About the Author

Yamile is a spirit guide medium, award-winning Hay House author, spiritual growth coach and founder of Spirit Guide Society.

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Which Of These 7 Types of Spirit Guide Do You Have?

Tell me what type of spirit guide I have

Take this free Spirit Guide Quiz to find out!

  • Is it an animal guide, an angel, a deity, a nature spirit, a star being, an ancestor, or an ascended master?
  • Get an in-depth description of your spirit guide and why they are with you
  • Plus, learn the 7 signs a spirit guide wants to connect with you

Yamile Yemoonyah, award-winning author of The Seven Types of Spirit Guide (published by Hay House), and founder of Spirit Guide Society.