Get one-on-one coaching to help connect with your cosmic helpers

Why do I need this?
A Spirit Guide Deep Dive is for you if you don't know how to consciously communicate with your spirit guides or want to improve your skills and want help that is specifically tailored to your specific needs and where you are in your spiritual journey right now.
My course and weekly show are great and you can learn a lot from both of them. However, they are not for everyone and your specific questions and needs might go unanswered.
So if you need a more individual approach and one-on-one guidance, I'm happy to offer this Deep Dive to you.

I would recommend working with Yamile because developing a communicative relationship with one's guides is an asset to one's happiness and spiritual development. I think this is something everyone should do.


How does it work?
During the three individual 1-on-1 sessions of the Deep Dive, I will use my 20-year personal experience with spirit guides and my 6-year experience as a professional spirit guide medium to help you connect with your own cosmic helpers.
These sessions will be spread over three months so you have enough time to practice what you learned in between.
The calls will be recorded so you can listen to it again later.

Yamile has an amazing gift and anyone can benefit from the insight she shares. It is a true blessing that she is so open and willing to provide these opportunities to people across the world!


What you will learn
First, we will determine where you are in your spirit guide journey and then come up with an individual plan for you. Below you will find the steps that are most likely going to be part of our time working together:
Deep Dive Session #1
How to manage your expectations that can stand in the way of success
How to relax into a calm open state of mind
How to raise your vibration to the level of the spirit world
Deep Dive Session #2
How to use the inner senses that allow you to connect with your guides
How to recognize your spirit guides calling card so you always know when your guide is around
How to differentiate between real experiences and your imagination
Deep Dive Session #3
How to connect with your spirit guides at will
How to learn their name
What next steps to take on your spirit guide journey

I definitely would suggest this. Yamile doesn't teach you anything that you don't already have the ability to do. She gives you the tools and confidence to chip away at your own self-doubt to realize your potential. This was great.


What results you can expect
After the Deep Dive, you will have the tools you need to connect and communicate with your guides yourself.
Your guides can now help you create a better and happier future for yourself and others.

Thank you Yamile for a powerful coaching session. It was a beautiful and transforming experience. Subtle yet very powerful and left me in a different state of consciousness, very open and sensitive to the subtle realms


Who is leading the Deep Dive?
Hi, my name is Yamile Yemoonyah. I am a professional spirit guide medium, award-winning Hay House author, and spiritual growth coach.
The very first time a spirit guide physically appeared in my bedroom 20 years ago, I was left with no choice but to start believing in a reality that isn't acknowledged by western science.
Ever since, I've been on a mission to learn everything I can about the cosmic beings that have helped humans develop spiritually since the beginning of time.
Since 2016, I've made it my job to connect as many people as possible with their guides through spirit guide readings and by teaching them how they can connect with their guides themselves.
Who is leading the Deep Dive?
Hi, my name is Yamile Yemoonyah. I am a professional spirit guide medium, Hay House author, and founder of Spirit Guide Society.
The very first time a spirit guide physically appeared in my bedroom 20 years ago, I was left with no choice but to start believing in a reality that isn't acknowledged by western science.
Ever since, I've been on a mission to learn everything I can about the cosmic beings that have helped humans develop spiritually since the beginning of time.
Since 2016 I've made it my job to connect as many people as possible with their guides through spirit guide readings and by teaching them how they can connect with their guides themselves.


I have already raved about not only your extraordinary intuitive channeling abilities, but your kind and gracious demeanor. Thank you!!


During our three 60-minute live online sessions, I will teach you the basic principles of how to connect and communicate with your spirit guides on your own.
The calls will be tailored to your personal situation and you will be able to ask any questions you might have.
The call will be recorded and sent to you.
After your payment, please make sure to follow the instructions and actually schedule all three of your sessions.

If you want to feel more connected to your truth and feel taken care of, Yamile will take care of you. Working with her is a great investment in yourself and a truly unique experience to try out.

There are no refunds but you can reschedule your individual sessions up to 24 hours before they are due to start.
After making your payment, you will be redirected to your order receipt which contains the 'Schedule' link. Click on it and schedule one session for each of the following three months.
The individual sessions will be recorded and shared with you. However, I am not liable for any technology glitches that might prevent the recording. But don't worry, that happened only once so far.
Everyone has at least one spirit guide, just like everyone has a mother and father. You might not know that they are around but they definitely are.
Yes, everyone can do this, just like everyone can dance. You might not become a professional spirit guide medium like me but, with practice, you can definitely learn to communicate with your own guides

It was amazing! I am really excited to now be aware of my guide in my life, and to know more about who I am, what my mission is, and my past lives. It really resonates with my current spiritual experiences, and I feel more than ever that things are unfolding as they should.