Your spirit guide is a Nature Spirit
Learn everything you need to know about Nature Spirits

Learn everything you need to know about Nature Spirits

Want to learn how to connect and communicate with your spirit guides?
This award-winning book, published by Hay House, will help you do it.
The Seven Types of Spirit Guide is the first-ever exploration of seven different kinds of cosmic helpers that have communicated with shamans, mediums, priests and everyday people across cultures and throughout human history.

Yamile Yemoonyah is a spirit guide medium, the award-winning author of The Seven Types of Spirit Guide, and a spiritual growth coach.
Since her spirit guide appeared to her in physical form over 20 years ago, she has helped thousands of people connect with their own spirit guides through her book, courses, and workshops.

I was blown away! I got to connect with my spirit guides and the information I received was so accurate about so many things that I have been connecting with and experiencing. It was both confirmation and new insights about life and business.

Quantum Transformation and Embodiment Coach for conscious entrepreneurs leaping to multi-6 & 7 figures