Meet Your Spirit Guide

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6 Lessons

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Meet Your Spirit Guide

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During this first lesson, you learn how to create the right internal and external space to start your work with spirit guides. - Managing expectations - Grounding - Protection (evil spirits) - Calming the mind - Sitting in the power

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In lesson 2, you experience the presence of your spirit guides for the very first time. - Why trust is the most important tool in spirit guide communication. - Shielding and clearing - What to do when you get scared - What your spirit guide's calling card is

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In lesson three, I introduce you to a simple method that allows you to ask your guides questions and receive answers. - Why sensitivity is a good thing (and how it helps you communicate with your spirit guides) - How spirit guide language differs from human language - How to ask your spirit guide simple yes/no questions

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Session four delves deeper into how to communicate with your guides and how their language differs from ours. 1. How spirit guide language differs from human language (continued from our last session) 2. How to learn which of the seven types of spirit guide you have 3. How to ask your spirit guides simple open-ended questions

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Lesson 5 helps you explore your intuition, psychic abilities, and mediumship skills with the help of your spirit guides (no previous experience needed). 1. Why you want to develop your intuition, psychic and mediumistic abilities 2. How spirit guides can help you develop your intuition 3. 3 fun exercises you can do with your spirit guides to develop your intuitive abilities

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During this last lesson, we will let our spirit guides help us discover or step deeper into our life's purpose. - What does it take to be a true lightworker? - What's your next step when in living your purpose? - How to keep working with your spirit guides

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About the teacher

Yamile Yemoonyah

Yamile is a spirit guide medium, award-winning Hay House author, spiritual growth coach and founder of Spirit Guide Society.

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